· 1 min read
Vegetal architectures

Nature is definitely a core part of my culture, and it tainted my architectural appeals. But I am far from the only one to see in nature many wonders, good ideas, and examples to get inspired from. I recently discovered the two following artists, whose works are just beautiful.
Giuseppe Penone has been invited to invest the park of Versailles with his majestic sculptures, some of them created specifically for the place.
To add to the wonder, my cousin and I were close to completely alone in this huge and beautiful park as the castle was closed that day. With the sunset and the classic façade as a scenery, these huge odd trees, all open, covered with gold or upside down were like kings of the site.
As for Tzuri Gueta, he subtly imported his imitations of nature in the Grandes Serres du jardin des plantes of Paris. Between lace and vegetal, his silicon creations tend to imitate nature and if it wasn’t white colored, if you look very close to the stems and the leaves, you couldn’t tell it’s not natural!